This is what we did last weekend, before the heat wave hit. We always go to the same place (here, for you locals) and try to get there early to beat the heat. This time around we stayed about 30 minutes or so and were able to pick ten pounds of berries. Bunny and Birdie are both extremely industrious pickers, and love it. I hardly managed to pick a thing because I was slinging Bee and, you know, taking photographs. Like these:

My husband and Bunny, headed out to the ripest row.

Happily picking away.

Kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk. I can’t be the only one whose mind sings this as the berries begin to hit the bottom of the bucket.

Some for the basket, and some for the mouth.

Bunny was sure that Birdie needed some in her pockets, as well.


I loved this.

Whew. It was already getting pretty warm by the time we got out of there.

Our haul. Pretty good!